Level 3 – Advanced Art Course

Course content: research, experimentation and developing personal work

Our advanced leisure art course consists of approximately 30 hours of study and involves a number of assignments made up of carefully structured, practical drawing or painting projects.

Aimed at more experienced artists, the Level 3 leisure art class is concerned with revealing a more personal approach to the act of painting and drawing. Elements from work produced in Level 1 and 2 will be used to develop a more individual approach and style.

A number of themes will be set for the advanced art classes from Draw and Paint Online on which you can research and anchor your ideas. The course will involve:

  • Gathering information and researching your chosen subject
  • Experimenting with techniques, skills, processes, approaches and methods in relation to your research
  • Developing expanding and opening out your ideas in relation to your chosen subject
  • Creating a final piece of work based around one of the chosen themes, realised either in a drawing or painting medium.

You will be expected to:

  • Apply traditional skills, techniques, theories and experimental approaches to painting and drawing, using a variety of materials
  • Adopt and develop an individual approach and method of working that has its roots in observation, expression or analytical work
  • Place your own work in an art historical context

At the end of the course, you will have engaged in a visual and practical experience that will provide you with an insight into your own creative potential and direction.

Course Costs

Level 3 in the leisure art course, costs only £148.00 and includes personal tuition and feedback from Peter Stanyer, our experienced art tutor.

Enrol on our advanced painting and drawing course

To sign up for Level 2 of the leisure art classes and benefit from Stan’s expert art class tuition, enrol online now; call Stan on + 44 (0) 1422 292071 or email stan@drawandpaintonline.co.uk.

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