Home Education Art Courses

Learning to draw and paint at home

Are your children being educated at home? If so, the classes offered by Draw and Paint Online could help.

Build an art portfolio

If, as a home educated student, you are looking to apply to art college, you will need to develop a portfolio.

The portfolio courses offered by Draw and Paint Online are ideal for helping home educated students. By developing an art portfolio, showcasing your best work, you will stand a better chance of obtaining a place at your choice of university or college to study art.

Many of the students that Stan has taught to draw and paint have subsequently gone on to study at some of the country’s most prestigious art colleges – Goldsmiths, Chelsea, St. Martins, Slade, Royal College of Art, to name a few.

Help and advice on selecting and presenting your art work is offered to all students on the build an art portfolio course.

To find out more about art courses offered for home educated students contact us now; call Stan on + 44 (0) 1422 292071 or email stan@drawandpaintonline.co.uk for more information.

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